
LUX by Yasuaki Matsuura

The act of waiting is rarely pleasant and it’s even less satisfying when it comes to waiting for a diagnosis or a visit. Nevertheless, thanks to an incredible partnership between the Kanazawa College of Art and the Kanazawa Municipal Hospital things will change for the city’s patients to make their wait more comfortable.

The chairs, presented to be used by every in- or outgoing patient, were designed by 18 students enrolled in the Industrial Design Major at the Kanazawa College of Art. The project behind this collaboration, Hospitality Art, has the goal of investigating the therapeutic power of art and design in a usually standardized environment devoid of colours, such as hospitals.

The design process was not only influenced by the designers’ personality and creativity, but also by the real needs of every patient who may be in the waiting room. For that reason the designers had a consultation with doctors, nurses and physiotherapists to get to generic vytorin 10 40 right design chairs that could improve the quality of the wait.

All these chairs will put the patient at ease making him/her feel more relaxed, healed and harmonized reducing stress and exasperation by being pleased with the functionality and the beauty of their form, color and size.


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Motorola Nest是独特的,配备有多种功能的概念手机,由Kelly Bremer设计。现在网上随便一看概念手机一大片,有多少投入生产了呢?总之设计师们寻求的是一种形式和功能。这款手机外观设计优雅,非常适合女性使用。在主界面上有6至8个触摸图像,图片可旋转触摸选择。

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这是设计师Raymon Hung专门针对主妇设计的一款折叠自行车,轻便和小巧使得它更容易放在家里的小角落,双层购物篮的设计,使得它可以装得下更多的东西,另外,它还可以采用电力驱动,当你逛累的时候,可以采用电力系统,很不错的多功能自行车。


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这是一款由设计师Amit Ran设计的电暖器,它主要特点是在提高室内温度同时起到干衣的功能,从而最大化降低能源消耗。使用前只需将嵌套式洗衣篮放到电暖器中间之后借助热辐射及自然对流换热安全将湿衣服快速干燥。

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prednisone 20mg side effects in dogs 如果您有单反相机的话,使用时肯定会注意到一些小麻烦:比如镜头盖容易丢,遮光罩太大不方便放进便携式相机包等。两位设计师对这样的生活场景深有感触,由此设计了这款非常实用的相机盖。它外形像花瓣一样,展开时可以当作遮光罩使用,而闭合时又可以当作镜头盖。它巧妙的设计不仅开合方便、节省材料,还解决了不少使用上的小麻烦,一举多得。


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由Claire-Anne O’Brian设计的针织椅子

You consider knitting an old fashioned handcraft? Quite the contrary is true nowadays; knitting has reached a new level, finding its way into interior design.  Claire-Anne O’Brian, a young textile designer specialized in precisely that area, enlightens us with innovative stools interpreting this very old handcraft newly and creating a collection of Knit Stools. Originally form Ireland, she recently graduated from the Royal College of Art with a Masters in Textiles and is now based in London.

She draws her inspiration from elements of the classic knitting stitch itself, like rings and loops, however displayed at a much larger scale in bold forms with can i buy cialis online a great variety of techniques. Keeping the knit-work truly authentic, sheep and lamb-wool are used for every piece (some of which even resemble lambs themselves). The cute stools are available in various different shapes as well as an array of lively colors.

The unusual combination of knitting and furniture makes this collection a unique one in the area of interior design. It has definitely been proven, that wool cannot only be enjoyed as a cozy pullover or warm socks but can also look fantastic on a piece of furniture.

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Toyota is undoubtedly the biggest car-maker in the world, and there is a reason for this leadership: innovation. The Japanese colossus always tried to combine technology with affordability and always got it right. The first milestone on this path was the Prius:  they made an incredibly weird-looking car become the first and bestselling mass-produced hybrid vehicle.  At Geneva 2012, Toyota showed off its new creation: the FT-Bh Concept. The car, if ever produced, would revolutionize the market. This time they didn’t invent anything: Toyota just took the simple idea of the Yaris city car and improved it, making it unbelievably efficient in terms of emissions and performances.

The most fascinating side of this new concept is the way Toyota mixed the design with the weight saving and emission reduction. We thought LED headlamps and matte paint were just cool and pricey optionals, but with the FT-Bh we now know they can be more. The LED technology reduces the power consumption by half and the matte paint is used for its heat insulation characteristics. Key panels, such as the roof, are formed to represent the way fabric can be stretched taut between fastening points to reflect their ultra-light weight. Toyota used a combination of high-tensile steel, aluminum and magnesium that trimmed the mass: it means there is less load applied on the body structure and suspensions, allowing components to be downsized. The car’s light weight makes it agile and responsive to throttle and brakes. The 1.0 liter petrol engine of the FT-Bh takes down CO2 emissions to an impressive 134.5 mpg and 49 g/km, a new benchmark for full hybrid vehicle.

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Longer than a Yaris, but 25 percent lighter, highly aerodynamic, with impressive results in terms of emissions and consumption orlistat in us savings: the FT-Bh is going to be the new Prius and perhaps even more.




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该项目临时总干事迈克尔-范-哈勒姆(Michiel van Haarlem)说:“这将对于我们理解地球在宇宙中重要影响,以及如何理解地球的历史和未来。我们正在逐渐接近新的太空发现!”
英国科学探索中心协会的伊恩-格里芬(Ian Griffin)博士说:“平方公里望远镜天线阵列项目将为天文学家提供一个奇特的新型工具,有助于我们彻底改变对宇宙的理解。基于这个望远镜阵列将显示星系的详细资料,通过研究黑洞等令人兴奋的神秘天体,有助于测试相对论,并使天文学家掌握更多关于宇宙早期历史的信息。”预计该望远镜天线阵列有望于2016年开始建造,8年之后盘状望远镜将联网工作。
来源: http://tech.qq.com/a/20120406/000076.htm







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德国设计师florian schmid最近设计了一种“缝合混凝土”座椅,这个设计受到了混凝土帆布(CC)材料的影响。混凝土布料(CC)是一种浸渍了布料的柔软水泥,它在水合过程中变硬,最终形成一个轻薄的,防水防火的混凝土表皮。这种材料将柔软温暖的布料质感和坚硬冰冷的水泥融为一体。

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