月度归档:2012 年九月

Bespoke Innovations

Bespoke Innovations™ Inc. is a startup based in San Francisco, California, that is bringing a more personal approach to the way of medical devices are developed and used. The aim is to bring more humanity and understanding to people who have congenital or traumatic limb loss. Bespoke fosters all the services and technologies to deliver custom fit prosthetics, orthotics and orthopedic devices that improve clients’ conditions. By doing so Bespoke products will ameliorate the lives of amputees by restoring their body symmetry and enabling glucophage without prescription them to respond to their loss.

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The Company was founded in 2009 by an Industrial Designer and an Orthopedic Surgeon, respectively Mr. Scott Summit and Mr. Kenneth Trauner. The idea was born to enable their clients to connect with their prosthetic limbs, and wear them confidently as a form of personal expression. Every body is different, and they wanted to recognize that fact and put it into prominence as a positive feature. We are different because we have different tastes, different desires and lifestyles that make us unique. This can not be represented by the usual “one-size-fits-all” prosthetic. On the contrary they should represent and mean something for the wearer. This can lead customers to feel at ease around people, and do not feel observed in the wrong way.

Bespoke Fairings™ are specialized coverings that surround an existing prosthetic leg, accurately recreating the body form through a process that uses 3D scanning to capture the personal leg shape.
Design is everywhere in this product, from the start, from the durable and light-weighted materials. And to make everything more peculiar, Fairings can be enhanced with patterns, graphics (even tattoos), and material (including leather, ballistic nylon fabric, chrome plating).
Design can do that too, and help improve people’s lives by breaking down the barriers.


Dect by Sebastien Sauvag

At a first glance it could easily be considered a Dyson Air fan, but on closer inspection it is hard not to realize the similarity with a good old-fashioned phone. To be more precise, one cannot see a little of the Sculptura telephone in this amazing concept that is Eclipse.

Designer Sebastien Sauvage’s concept is a highly aesthetic and functional DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication) that offers all the functions expected (and needed) in a digital telephone for today’s customers. Eclipse has an elliptical form, on one side it is slightly flattened to stand on your desktop or on the closet shelf. cialis shop mit mastercard The upper part is removable and is actually the handset phone, and of course it has no wires! Once removed the top, the part that remains looks as if it were the moon during a lunar eclipse –hence the name “eclipse”. Its continuous ellipsoidal design “challenges conventional assumptions about telephone design without compromising on the comfort and functionality”.

The combination of its curved contours combined with the visual privation of keypad and screen bestow to the minimalism and simplicity of the elegant sculptural aspect.

Some of the features that make it an original phone prototype are high quality dual speakerphone, clear display, eco friendly characteristics and the Blue Backlit keypad.

Unfortunately, the Eclipse is now only a prototype but we hope to see it soon in production.

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Nautilus II Table by Marc Fish

Nautilus was born in an environment of artist freedom: an experimental piece that has embraced modern computer aided technology and combined it with innovative constructional techniques.

The layering of over 4000 individual pieces of walnut bangladeshi long time sex medicine name and sycamore veneer has created the logarithmic spiral found within the Nautilus shell. The proportions of the Nautilus shell never change, no matter how large their growth: these proportions follow the classical order of the Golden Ratio.  A more perfect form might not be found.

This perfection commonly found in nature is often the source of Marc’s inspiration. The table has a texture which replicates the outside of the shell, created by hand carving the fluted growth patterns. Inside a satin sheen has been created which runs smoothly round into the chambered area replicated in Japanese lace paper.

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人民网:国际工业设计创新大赛启动 数万奖金“悬赏”精英


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大赛共设有初评、复评和终评三轮评审,后两轮由韩国首尔设计中心主席、国际工业设计协会联合会主席李淳寅,意大利IDG设计公司主席Giorgetto Giugiaro,湖南大学设计艺术学院院长何人可等八名来自韩国、意大利、中国、台湾等国家和地区的知名设计专家综合评分。

大赛作品征集截止时间为2012年11月10日,终评答辩和颁奖典礼将于2013年1月10日举行。届时,公开组金、银、铜奖获奖者将分别获得8万、2万和1万元奖金,企业组获奖者将获得5万元奖金。(记者 邓霞)



人民网长沙9月6日电(实习记者 陈宇 通讯员 潘丽)9月6日,第三届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛主办方对外发布消息,向全球创意精英征集设计作品。2012年11月10日作品征集截止,2013年1月10日举行终评答辩和颁奖典礼。届时,公开组金奖获奖者将获得8万元的高额奖金,企业组获奖者将获得5万元奖金。



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红网长沙9月6日讯(摄影 明健飞 记者 易征洋)今日上午,第三届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛新闻发布会在长沙举行,正式向全球创意精英发出邀请,再次拉开了湖南工业设计创新的帷幕。


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大赛邀请了首尔设计中心主席、国际工业设计协会联合会主席Soon-In Lee李淳寅(韩国),意大利IDG设计公司主席、曾被评为“世纪设计大师”的Giorgetto Giugiaro,意大利著名设计大师、Giovannoni设计公司主席Stefano Giovannoni,米兰理工大学设计学院院长Arturo Dell'Acqua等8位来自意大利、韩国和中国的知名设计专家担任评委。大赛将于2012年11月10日作品征集截止,2013年1月10日举行终评答辩和颁奖典礼。届时,公开组金奖获奖者将获得8万元的高额奖金,企业组获奖者将获得5万元奖金。

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本报讯(记者成舸 通讯员吴敏)9月6日,以“设计、创新、应用”为主题的第三届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛在长沙正式启动,并面向全球征集参赛作品。来自中国、韩国和意大利的8位知名设计专家将组成终审评审团,而“应用性”将成为此次大赛最根本的评审标准。







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