月度归档:2020 年四月
















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World Design Organization (WDO) launched an initiative in partnership with IBM’s Corporate Service Corps and Design for America to create a global design mobilization effort for COVID-19. WDO is calling on all available designers to commit to an initiative that will propose design-led solutions to a number of pressing challenges that are affecting us all. WDO collected an initial 180 challenge statements that we then clustered into seven key challenges based on the urgency and potential impact of these if addressed. They are calling on all those designers who can commit some time to work remotely together over the course of the next 10-14 days. They are looking for participants and team leaders to build working groups around these themes immediately. Given the urgency of the situation, they need to assemble and mobilize designers from around the globe to begin work as early as Wednesday, 25 March 2020.


Seven key issues as below:

·Safe behavior and social distancing

·Communications: Strategies that clearly inform and prevent confusing, incorrect, and potentially dangerous information about COVID-19

·Medical equipment: personal protective equipment, ventilators, etc. for medical staff and patients

·Medical workers and processes: best practices for designing clinics and hospitals for testing and treatment

·Re-inventing in-class to remote learning

·Vulnerable groups: including the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, the homeless, the incarcerated, people in countries without public healthcare, etc.

·Workforce: helping workers who have lost jobs cope and develop new digital skills


世界设计组织(WDO)发起青年设计师圈倡议Launch of the WDO Young Designers Circle




World Design Organization (WDO) is piloting a Young Designers Circle to harness the creativity and ambition of the generation of designers under-40 across multiple disciplines. This initiative was scheduled to be launched before the global COVID-19 pandemic, this crisis has brought to light the importance of such an initiative to use our creativity and empathy to design a better world for tomorrow. This pilot programme is aligned with WDO’s objective to promote the use of design to help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This initiative aims to strengthen the role of design leadership today, by planting seeds that will lead to a large impact tomorrow. The Young Designers Circle will comprise 12 designers from across the globe who will be selected and lead by a newly established committee.





GoalOver the next 18 months, participants in the Young Designers Circle will work voluntarily to:

Co-design actionable recommendations and develop a roadmap for 2021 that will tackle key challenges affected by young designers worldwide

Identify emerging global design best practices that also influence design policies and the achievement of UN SDGs

Positively contribute to the expansion of the field of design and its impact on the world




Activities & OpportunitiesSelected participants will:

Connect with other young designers around the world to exchange and learn from each other

Participate in a minimum of one webinar a year

Attend WDO’s General Assembly in 2021 and participate in the Young Designers Workshop with the WDO member network and relevantprogramme partners

Contribute work to the second edition of the World Design Report

Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of seasoned designers that will coach the group



WDO地区顾问吉尔·鲁贡(Gilles Rougon)是法国EDF Pulse Explorer团队的集体创新的催化剂,他指导跨职能团队并帮助他们设计项目,计划和管理方法。这意味着将设计思维和社会趋势分析与开放创新和推动可持续变革的伙伴关系相结合。

克里斯托弗·潘多尔菲(Christopher Pandolfi)是美国非同寻常确定性部(DoUC)的联合创始人和执行合伙人。他是一位具有城市设计背景的设计师和教育家,坚决主张设计和设计方法在帮助塑造社会未来方面发挥重要作用。克里斯还在加拿大多伦多乔治布朗学院交互设计系任教,为爱尔兰都柏林邓莱里文艺理工学院(IADT)的跨学科设计策略硕士课程提供建议,并一直在寻求更多关于信息交流的新方法。

YDC 2020-2021 CoachesWDO Regional Advisor, Gilles Rougon is the Collective Innovation Catalyst for Électricité de France’s EDF Pulse Explorer team, where he coaches cross-functional teams to help them design their projects,programmes and management methods. This means mixing design thinking and social trends analysis with open innovation and partnerships that drive sustainable change.Christopher Pandolfi is the co-founder and managing partner of Department of Unusual Certainties (DoUC). A designer and educator with a background in urban design, he is a strong advocate that design and design methods have an important role to play in helping shape the future of society. Chris also teaches in the Interaction Design department at George Brown College in Toronto (Canada), advises the Interdisciplinary Design Strategies MA program at IADT in Dublin (Ireland), and is always looking to learn more about new ways to communicate information.


对此倡议感兴趣的青年在2020年4月17日(星期五)之前提交意向书。如有任何问题,请联系WDO行政官员Jerusalem Girma女士,邮箱office@wdo.org。

SubmissionsIf you are interested in joining this innovative group, please submit your expression of interest for consideration, on or before Friday, 17 April 2020.For any questions, contact:

Ms. Jerusalem Girma, WDO Administrative Officer

e: office@wdo.org



Date& Deadline

Friday, 17 April 2020

Submission deadline

Friday, 1 May 2020

Notice of acceptance

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Introductory web meeting with all participants



(来源 :世界设计组织、ICDC工业设计)